Modified A-Main Results [M1 Race #2]
Modified A-Main
Round: Main Events
Length: 12:00 Timed
Pos Driver Qual Laps/Time Behind Fastest Lap Avg Lap Avg Top 5 Avg Top 10 Avg Top 15 Top 3 Consecutive Std. Deviation Consistency
Pos Driver Qual Laps/Time Behind Fastest Lap Avg Lap Avg Top 5 Avg Top 10 Avg Top 15 Top 3 Consecutive Std. Deviation Consistency
1 1 MACK
View Laps
1 109/12:01.823 5.130 6.613 5.178 5.236 5.277 16.072 6.79 -2.71%
View Laps
2 105/12:05.388 4 Laps 5.340 6.876 5.445 5.515 5.572 16.351 3.44 49.94%
Race Video(s)

The (RVA) Race Video Archive is available to Bonus Lap members.

Lap-by-Lap Position Graph
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